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Cloud Solution

Elevate Your IT Solutions with a Cloud-First Strategy

From public to private to a hybrid cloud solution, the key to selecting the right mix of cloud environments for your business is in your cloud expertise. InsourceIT sorts through your cloud options and helps you find the right strategy for your business. Whether you’re looking to expand and add more storage space, or your team needs flexible solutions that let them work from anywhere, the cloud has a solution for you.

Private Cloud

A private cloud consists of computing resources exclusively used by one business or organization. A private cloud can be deployed from an organization’s on-site data center (or server) or hosted by a third-party service provider. Unlike public clouds, private clouds are designed, configured, and maintained according to the specific business needs of one company. Private clouds can offer greater security, governance, management, privacy, and compliance controls than a public cloud environment, albeit more costly than a public cloud solution

Public Cloud

Public clouds are by far the most common way businesses utilize cloud computing. A public cloud’s infrastructure is owned and maintained by a third-party Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and delivered over the internet. As mentioned above, 91% of companies already use at least one public cloud service. Common examples include Microsoft Azure, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Google AppEngine, Office 365 with OneDrive, Google Drive,, and Apple iCloud. As the most popular model of cloud computing services, providers offer a vast array of solutions, resources, and services to address the growing needs of organizations, no matter your size, industry, or geography

Hybrid Cloud

Considered to be “the best of both worlds”, hybrid clouds combine the benefits of on-premise infrastructure (e.g. a private cloud or application server) and public cloud services. In a hybrid cloud environment, data and applications can move between local on-premise servers and public clouds for greater flexibility, performance, and deployment options. Some services like email and VoIP phone systems should not be hosted on-site in case of an unexpected business disaster, hardware failure or power outage. Similarly, hosting large data sets off-premise in a public or private cloud environment can be extremely costly. It’s for these reasons that businesses need to strongly consider the balance between operational costs and identifiable fault tolerance a business is willing to tolerate.